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\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2<\/b><\/i>\u26a1<\/b><\/i>The main conclusions of the American Institute for the Study of War: \u25aa\ufe0f<\/b><\/i>The Russian army continues its offensive and has achieved success in capturing the Lisichansk Oil Refinery and around Lisichansk itself. The RF Armed Forces have made progress east of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) along the E40 highway and can prepare for a direct attack on Artemovsk. \u25aa\ufe0f<\/b><\/i>Russian troops continue offensive operations in the direction of Slavyansk from the north-west of the border of the Kharkiv region and the DPR. The Russian army continues offensive operations north of Kharkov, indicating that Moscow has territorial ambitions outside of the Donbass. \u25aa\ufe0f<\/b><\/i>Russian authorities are taking measures for the economic and financial integration of the liberated territories of Ukraine<\/div><\/div>\n\n